Fall of the Jedi (92 BBY - 19 BBY)
92 - 40 BBY
Some of you may be wondering why on Mustafar this book goes here. Asajj Ventress is on the cover and her story takes place during the Clones Wars era. This book does begin and end just before that time but the vast majority of the story takes place in flashbacks, going all the way back to when Dooku was a youngling and his buddy Sifo called him "Doo."
To stay in chronological order, you can stick to the flashbacks by following the instructions below. This list will also incorporate flashbacks from our next entry, Master & Apprentice.
FYI- Dooku: Jedi Lost doesn't have "Chapters" but instead has groups of "Scenes" in its table of contents, which is why they are described as such below. Also, these flashbacks contain minimal narration by the present-day characters, mostly Dooku & Ventress.
Here are the chronological instructions:
Scenes 3-9, 10, and 11-13 (Dooku is 10, which is 92 BBY)
Scenes 14-17 starting at minute 8:23 through the end of the chapter and all subsequent chapters until you get to Scenes 30-33, minute 6:26 (Dooku is 13, 89 BBY).
Scenes 34-37 starting at minute 9:01 through the end of the chapter and all subseuqent chapters until you get to Scenes 46-49, minute 10:18 (Dooku is 18, 84 BBY)
Scenes 50-53 starting at minute 0:00 (beginning of chapter) and all subsequent chapters until you get to Scenes 72-81, minute 7:50.
MASTER & APPRENTICE INTERLUDE: Listen to the first three flashbacks in this book, which take place at: a) Chapter 6, minute 13:10 through the end of the chapter; b) Chapter 9, minute 14:52 through the end of the chapter; and c) Chapter 10, minute 2:09 through Chapter 10, minute 4:18.
Continue Dooku: Jedi Lost where we left off, at Scenes 72-81, minute 7:50, and continue until you get to Scenes 82-87, minute (8:37).
MASTER & APPRENTICE INTERLUDE: Listen to the 4th and 5th flashbacks in this book, which take place at: a) Chapter 16, minute 11:58 up through Chapter 16, minute 17:20; and b) Chapter 24, minute 14:26 through the end of the chapter.
Continue Dooku: Jedi Lost where we left off, at Scenes 82-87, minute 8:37, and continue until you get to Scenes 96-98, minute 7:56.
MASTER & APPRENTICE: Listen to the 6th and 7th flashbacks in this book, which take place at: a) Chapter 27, minute 15:38 through the end of the chapter; and b) Chapter 35, minute 23:34 through the end of the chapter. This concludes the M&A flashback scenes.
Watch Tales of the Jedi: Season 1, Episode 2: Justice
Watch Tales of the Jedi: Season 1, Episode 3: Choices
Skipping over some of the present-day story, we pick up Dooku: Jedi Lost at Scenes 99-101 starting at minute 4:59 through the end of the chapter and all subsequent chapters until you get to Scenes 126-128, minute 5:28. That concludes the flashback portions of both Dooku: Jedi Lost and Master & Apprentice.
60-40-ish BBY
The present day story line of this novel takes place in 14 BBY, when Tarkin is 50, but there are flashbacks that cover Tarkin's early years. In this section, we'll cover Tarkin's childhood through his early 20s by listening to the following portions of the audiobook:
Chapter 4 (entire chapter);
Chapter 5; minute 8:30 through the end of the chapter; and
Chapter 6; minute 8:56 through 29:39.
Queen's Hope; Chapter 2
42 BBY
Chapter 2 of Queen's Hope serves as the book's introduction. Set approximately 20 years before the present-day events of the book, Chapter 2 provides a glimpse into the life of Shmi Skywalker.
Master & Apprentice
40 BBY
As we just covered the flashbacks, here is how you can just stick to the present-day story being told in 40 BBY...
Chapter 1, minute 0:00, through Chapter 6, minute 13:10.
Chapter 7, minute 0:00, through Chapter 9, minute 14:52.
Chapter 10, minute 0:00, through Chapter 10, minute 2:09.
Chapter 10, minute 4:18, through Chapter 16, minute 11:58
Chapter 16, minute 17:20, through Chapter 24, minute 14:26.
Chapter 25, minute 0:00, through Chapter 27, minute 15:38.
Chapter 28, minute 0:00, through Chapter 35, minute 23.34.
Chapter 36, minute 0:00, through the end of Chapter 39.
NOTE: Save the last chapter (No. 40) for the Queen's Peril / Episode 1 Mashup found below.
34 BBY
The present day story line of this novel takes place in 14 BBY, when Tarkin is 50, but there are flashbacks that cover Tarkin's early years. In this section, Tarkin is 30 years old and he is discussing his future with Senator Palpatine. Listen to Chapter 9, minute 9:26 through 16:26.
32 BBY
Read through this five-issue miniseries contemporaneously with the Tales of the Jedi above and/or the Queen's Peril novel listed below. After Issue # 5, you can move on to Age of Republic: Darth Maul. Finish all of the comics before you reach Chapter 17 of Queen's Peril, which is where Episode 1 begins.
32 BBY
For the most part, we're going to go back and forth between the Queen's Peril and Phantom Menance but keep an eye out for Chapter 40 of Master & Apprentice mentioned above, an episode of Tales of the Jedi, as well as the Preface from Queen's Shadow.
Skip the Prologue. It focuses on Leia at the end of A New Hope.
Listen to Queen's Peril, the chapter titled "Strength", which is directly after the Prologue. Then listen to Chapters 1-5,
Listen to Queen's Peril, the rest of the named chapters (e.g., Cunning, Distraction, Bravery, etc.).
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapters 6-16, then listen to minutes 0:00 - 6:22 of Chapter 17.
Begin Episode 1 and watch it through when Qui-Gon, Obi Wan and Jar Jar arrive in Theed (21:34).
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 17, 6:22 - End of Chapter.
QUEEN'S SHADOW INTERLUDE: Listen to the Preface of this book in its entirety.
Watch Episode 1, 21:34 - End of blockade run (27:12).
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 18, 0:00 - 7:40.
Watch Episode 1, 27:12 - Just before Padme meets Anakin (32:23).
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 18, 7:40 - Chapter 19, 6:21.
Watch Episode 1, 32:23 - Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan discuss Anakin's Midi-Chlorian count (51:11).
Listen to Queen's Peril , Chapter 19, 6:21 - End of Chapter.
Watch Episode 1, 51:10 - Qui Gon's report to the Jedi Council (1:26:06)
Watch the introduction of Tales of the Jedi - Season 1, Episode 4; The Sith Lord; (0:00 - 5:18)
Watch Episode 1, 1:26:06 - Queen's departure back to Naboo / Qui-Gon & Anakin's talk on the platform (1:36:52).
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 20, 0:00 - 9:41.
Watch Episode 1, 1:36:52 - Queen's Ship lands on Naboo / Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan make up (1:39:06).
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 20, 9:41 - End of Chapter 22.
Watch Episode 1, 1:38:27 - "Wipe them out, all of them." (1:45:03).
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 23 (entire chapter)
Watch Episode 1, 1:45:03 - Padme says "We will discuss a new treaty." (2:01:20)
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 24 (entire chapter)
Watch Episode 1, 2:01:20 - Qui-Gon passing away in Obi-Wan's arms (2:05:12).
Watch the remainder of Tales of the Jedi - Season 1, Episode 4; The Sith Lord (5:18 - end of episode)
MASTER & APPRENTICE INTERLUDE: Listen to the entire epilogue (Chapter 40).
Watch Episode 1, 2:05:12 - End of Movie.
Listen to Queen's Peril, Chapter 25, 0:00 - 4:05. Skip the the rest of this Chapter. It is just like the Prologue as it offers a peak of Leia at the end of A New Hope
(Prologue & Epilogue)
29 BBY
The prologue and epilogue of this book are flashbacks prior to the Clone Wars.
Continuity Check Part 1: The time given on this flashback is "Three Decades Ago" which would put this at about 24 BBY. However, Aftermath: Empire's End has another flashback titled "25 Years Ago" and yet the two flashbacks are supposed to be 10 years apart! Because "decades" is a more approximate term, I'm pushing the date back to 29 BBY, which would make it 35 Years Ago.
Continuity Check Part 2: In the epilogue, Palpatine refers to himself as an Emperor about 5-10 years before the Empire's rise no matter how you slice it. But he's a Sith lord with great foresight so we can assume he was intentionally referring to his future position.
Listen to this contemporaneously with the comics listed below.
Age of Republic: Obi-Wan Kenobi
30 - 29 BBY
Read through Age of Republic: Obi-Wan Kenobi first, then move on to the five-issue miniseries, Obi-Wan & Anakin. Both can be read contemporaneously with the Life Debt excerpt listed above and/or the Queens' Shadow novel listed below.
28 BBY
We covered the Preface of this book earlier so we can skip that now and just listen to the rest of this book in its entirety.
Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising (Memories)
Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil
Exact Placement Unknown
There are "memory" chapters in both of these books that intertwine with each other. They are split up into two main sections that are spaced apart from one another: 1) Thrawn's academy years; and 2) His early military career. At this point we're only going to cover the academy years. Here is how it goes:
Chaos Rising: 1st & 2nd Memory Chapters
Lesser Evil: 1st Memory Chapter
Chaos Rising: 3rd Memory Chapter
Lesser Evil: 2nd Memory Chapter
Chaos Rising: 4th Memory Chapter
Exact Placement Unknown
Read through these comics contemporaneously with the novel below.
Exact Placement Unknown
We covered the flashbacks of this book earlier, which makes up the majority of the book. Now, we're going to focus on the present-day story of the book, which we know takes place before the Episode II but, exactly where I cannot say. Here are the instructions for sticking with the present-day story.
Scenes 1-2, minute 0:00 through end of chapter.
Scenes 14-17, minute 0:00 through 8:23.
Scenes 30-33, minute 6:26 through end of chapter then continue with Scenes 34-37 up through minute 9:01.
Scenes 46-49, minute 10:18 through end of chapter.
Scenes 96-98, minute 8:29 through end of chapter then continue with Scenes 99-101 up through minute 4:59.
Scenes 126-128, minute 5:28 through the end of the book.
23-ish BBY
The present day story line of this novel takes place in 14 BBY, when Tarkin is 50, but there are flashbacks that cover Tarkin's early years. In this section, we'll cover a period of time right before the events of Attack of the Clones by listening to the following:
Chapter 9, minute 22:26 through 33:50; and
Chapter 11, minute 0:00 through 6:32
Queen's Hope
22 BBY
Following Queen' Peril and Queen's Shadow, the Queen's Hope is the 3rd installment from E.K. Johnston that centers around Padme and her handmaidens. You can start this immediately after Attack of the Clones. You can listen to this contemporaneously with the Mace Windu comic below.
Jedi of the Republic - Mace Windu
22 BBY
Read this five-issue miniseries concurrently with the Queen's Hope novel listed above.
Clone Wars 2D Micro-Series: Volume 1
22 BBY
While this series has been regulated to Legends material, it still contains two important moments that are worth watching: 1) General Grievous' introduction; and 2) Anakin's promotion to Jedi Knight. To watch just those moments, you can watch Volume 1 starting at minute 1:03:24 through Volume 2, stopping at minute 12:47. Stop there regardless as we'll pick up with the rest of Volume 2 later in the timeline. If you do opt to watch all of Volume 1, be aware that the events involving Ventress do not line up with the Canon established in Dooku: Jedi Lost.
Age of Republic: General Grievous
22 BBY
Read this comic contemporaneously with the Brotherhood novel listed below.
22 BBY
While Anakin is now a Jedi, he does not have a Padawan yet, which means you should finish this novel before starting the Clone Wars series below. Listen contemporaneously with the Grievous comic above.
(TV Series & Movie)
22 - 19 BBY
We're lumping the TV series and movie together with this entry because two episodes of the series take place before events in the movie. The first 3 seasons of the series jumps around a lot chronologically so it is best to consult the complete list at StarWars.com. The entries below will specify when each book, comic or video game takes place within the Clone Wars Series. Be sure to start consulting our Revenge of the Sith guide below once you reach Season 7, Episode 9, "Old Friends Not Forgotten."
For those looking for a quick tour and don't want to go through all the episodes. Here are the episodes I find to be most relevant to the rest of the Saga:
301, 105, 302 Clone Troopers Echo, Fives & Heavy
111-112 Hondo Intro
201-203 Cad Bane
212-214 Death Watch / Mandalore
220-222 Boba Fett
308, 122, 309 Ziro the Hutt
312-314 Savage
414 Death Watch
421-501 Maul Returns
514-516 Maul / Death Watch
517-520 Ahsoka
601-604 Order 66 Chips
610-613 Sifa-Dyes / Yoda
701-704 Bad Batch
709-712 Finale
Age of Republic: Anakin Skywalker
22 BBY
Read this comic after you finish Brotherhood but before you reach Ahsoka's introduction in the Clone Wars movie.
Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising (Memories)
Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil
Exact Placement Unknown
There are "memory" chapters in both of these books that intertwine with each other. They are split up into two main sections that are spaced apart from one another: 1) Thrawn's academy years; and 2) His early military career. We covered the academy years earlier prior to Attack of the Clones. This is a good place to listen to the early military career portion as you make your way through the early seasons of the Clone Wars. Here is how it goes:
Chaos Rising: 5th through 8th Memory Chapters
Lesser Evil: 3rd and 4th Memory Chapters
Chaos Rising: 9th through & 13th Memory Chapters
Lesser Evil: 5th through 12th Memory Chapters
Battlefront II: Instant Action
22 - 21 BBY
Under the Instant Action Mode of Battlefront II, there are various maps you can play that line up with various moments throughout the Saga. You can play them contemporaneously with their respective battles to feel even more immersed in the action. The Clone Wars era maps are as follows:
Naboo: Play contemporaneously with episodes 117 - 118 of the Clone Wars.
Geonosis; Play contemporaneously with episodes 205 - 206 of the Clone Wars.
Kamino; Play contemporaneously with episode 302 of the Clone Wars.
(Clone Wars Era; Chapters 1-11)
21 - 19 BBY
This Rogue One companion novel begins over a year after Attack of the Clones and then it takes you up to and beyond Revenge of the Sith. For that reason, it is best to break this one up. You can start the book anytime after Season 3, Episode 20 of The Clone Wars and then you will want to stop after completing Chapter 11. We'll pick up from there later on.
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
19 BBY
This Legends comic picks up immediately after the events in Clone Wars Season 5, Episode 16: The Lawless, which ended on such a cliffhanger and was never addressed before the series was cancelled. As a result, the beginning of this comic serves as a vital component of Maul's story.
Continuity Check: The end of this series directly conflicts with an episode in "The Lost Season" of the Clone Wars, specifically Season 6, Episode 9: The Disappeared Part 2.
19 BBY
Based on unfinished episodes of The Clone Wars series, this novel is shockingly intense with emotion and action. Dark Disciple can be read anytime after Season 5 Episode 20 of The Clone Wars.
Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
Thrawn: Alliances (Clone Wars Era)
19 BBY
We did all the Memories chapters of Chaos Rising earlier, so at this point we will just focus on the present day story chapters, which you just do in order until you get to the point where it intersects with the Clone Wars Era of Thrawn: Alliances.
Thrawn: Alliances runs between two main story-lines: a present day story set during the Rebels series, and a flashback story set sometime after Season 5 Episode 20 of the The Clone Wars: The Wrong Jedi. So while you can start Chaos Rising a little earlier in the Clone Wars, you definitely want to watch The Wrong Jedi before you get to Chapter 17 as that is where Thrawn: Alliances comes into play. Here is how it goes...
Listen to Chaos Rising until you get to Chapter 17, 10:56.
Listen to Thrawn: Alliances' 2nd Prologue (there are two).
Listen Thrawn: Alliances Chapter 5, 0:00 - 27:50.
Listen Thrawn: Alliances Chapter 7 (entire chapter).
Listen to Chaos Rising where we left off and finish Chapter 18.
Listen Thrawn: Alliances Chapter 2.
Listen Thrawn: Alliances Chapter Chapter 4.
Listen Thrawn: Alliances Chapter 5 starting at minute 27:51 and continue through the end of Chapter 6.
Listen to following chapters of Thrawn: Alliances in their entirety: 10-11, 14-15, 18-19 and the 1st Epilogue.
Pick up Chaos Rising where we left off at Chapter 19 and finish the book.
Once you finish Chaos Rising, continue the Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy concurrently with the Clone Wars until you get to S7 E09, Old Friends Not Forgotten.
Battlefront II: Instant Action
22 - 21 BBY
This is the unofficial beginning of Revenge of the Sith. Just a heads up about a couple maps you can play on Battlefront around the same time as the ROTS Mashup below.
Under the Instant Action Mode of Battlefront II: Kashyyyk & Felucia.
Chapter 12
19 BBY
We left off at the end of Chapter 11 earlier. We can now listen to all of Chapter 12 concurrently with the entry below and / or Clone Wars S7 E09
Clone Wars: Season 2 (2004-2005)
19 BBY
Earlier in this list we suggested this Legends series, which took us through Volume 2; minute 0:00 - 12:47. So you could pick this up at minute 12:47 (Disney+ should remember where you left off) and watch until the end. The story leads right up through Grievous kidnapping Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant so its a direct lead-in to Revenge of the Sith.
Continuity Check: Clone Wars Season 7 contradicts this Legends material by changing everything about Obi-Wan and Anakin's final mission before leaving to rescue the Chancellor. My recommendation is to skip over all of the parts with Anakin & Obi-Wan's mission and just watch the Battle of Coruscant and capture of Palpatine.
The Clone Wars: Season 7, Episodes 9-12
Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
19 BBY
The fun really starts here with Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 9, Old Friends Not Forgotten, and you feel it from the moment you see the old school Lucasfilm logo all the way through the end of the credits.
From there, we have a mashup of Revenge of the Sith the film, Revenge of the Sith the novel, the remaining episodes of The Clone Wars, and a quick comic interlude. Enjoy!
Watch The Clone Wars S7 E09
Listen to Novel, Introduction through Ch 1, minute 36:44.
Watch Movie through R2D2 setting the Battle Droids on fire (11:22)
Listen to Novel, Ch 2; 6:56 - Ch 3; 7:00
Watch Movie through "Happiest Moment of My Life." (27:35)
Listen to Novel, Ch 8; 18:26 - 28:18
Watch Movie through "The Council is Asking You." (40:15)
Listen to Novel, Ch 11; 19:18 - 24:14
Watch Movie through the Council deciding to send Kenobi to fight Grievous (50:18).
Listen to Novel, Ch 13; 15:48 - 23:27
WATCH THE CLONE WARS, S7 E10: Phantom Apprentice
Watch Movie through "No, I promise you." (53:55)
Listen to Novel, Ch 14; 23:00 - End of Chapter.
Watch Movie through "The power to save Padme."(1:05:24)
Listen to Novel, Ch 15; 1:04:54 - 1:14:44
WATCH THE CLONE WARS: S7 E11 through Rex & Ashoka walk on bridge and the ship jumps to hyperspace (0:00 - 8:18)
Watch Movie through Order 66 / Yoda departs Kashyyyk (1:26:30).
WATCH THE BAD BATCH: S1 E1 through intro, 0:00 - 13:24
WATCH THE CLONE WARS: S7 E11, 8:18 - End; AND Episode 712 through Ashoka dropping her lightsaber. 0:00 - 19:13
Watch Movie through Anakin killing Nute Gunray (1:36:38)
WATCH THE BAD BATCH: S1 E1 through Omega intro (13:24-21:25)
Watch Movie through the Emperor finds Vader on Mustafar (2:03:32)
Listen to Novel, Ch 21; 0:00 - 4:40
Watch Movie through "NOOOOOOO!!!" (2:08:56)
Read Book #1 of the Vader Comic Series (See the first entry in the Reign of the Empire section).
Watch Movie through the ending.
WATCH THE CLONE WARS: Episode 712, 19:13 - End of Episode.
This takes the novel and comic book out of it:
Watch ROTS through the Council deciding to send Kenobi to fight Grievous (50:18).
WATCH THE CLONE WARS, S7 E10: Phantom Apprentice
Watch ROTS through "The power to save Padme."(1:05:24)
WATCH THE CLONE WARS: S7 E11 through Rex & Ashoka walk on bridge and the ship jumps to hyperspace (0:00 - 8:18)
Watch ROTS through Order 66 / Yoda departs Kashyyyk (1:26:30).
WATCH THE BAD BATCH: S1 E1 through intro, 0:00 - 13:24
WATCH THE CLONE WARS: S7 E11, 8:18 - End; AND Episode 712 through Ashoka dropping her lightsaber. 0:00 - 19:13
Watch ROTS through Anakin killing Nute Gunray (1:36:38)
WATCH THE BAD BATCH: S1 E1 through Omega intro (13:24-21:25)
Watch ROTS through the ending.
WATCH THE CLONE WARS: S7 E12, 19:13 - End of Episode.